Tuesday, December 28, 2010

November & December 2010

A few recent photos before transitioning the blog...

A perfect evening in a little girl's room

Madeline: check. Chloe the cat: check.  All set for a snooze.

Cousins.  Enough said.

Things I love: downtown Rogers, our church in the background, this sassy girl.  Things I don't love: it looks like a senior picture.

Making our fun new advent calendar!

Sneaky girl.  You can't even see her, she's so subtle.

Fred & Sophie decorating the Christmas tree.

Sophie & Alex before the Nutcracker at Arend Arts Center.

Ainsley in her super cool tie dye shirt from Ms. Maggie at ONSC.

The great ER visit of 2010 - six stitches, much sadness.

Following the ER visit - a solemn note from BFF Alex.

Sophie & Sean open their joint Christmas gift.  They appear to be thinking "phhpppttt" re: shared Christmas gifts.

I commissioned this original work for our kitchen chalkboard.

I particularly like the sturdily built snow forts.

The littlest angel drew this fun angel - love it.  She looks like a kind of pouty and perturbed seven year old angel.

Sophie has added this standard scene of the baby Jesus and an angel to all her Christmas drawings in the upper left corner, sort of signature style - lest we forget the meaning of the season, apparently.

Another custom work on the dining room chalkboard.

Gigi and Ainsley have a private conversation.

The last slumber party of 2010, complete with a trip to Kirby's Kupcakes.
On to 2011!

From Ainsley Belle to Chez Stephens

As I think I've mentioned, my intent was to transition this Ainsley blog to our family blog, which I'll do right after the first of the year.  It's hard to believe she is already three months old - it seems as though she just arrived.

She's proven to be an exceptionally animated, happy baby - no great surprise if you know her family.  I always assumed that Sophie was the kid most like me as a firstborn, headstrong little gal.  It seems as though in the months leading up to Ainsley's arrival and since that day that I see more and more of Fred in Sophie... and this is a very good thing.  She is a fortunate child to have his traits, and they appear more and more alike to me every day.  Ainsley, by contrast, is starting to show signs of the temperament I thought I saw in Sophie.  Regardless of the personalities they each grow into, they are sure to be their own strong characters. 

I would wish for them both the patience, intelligence, work ethic, dedication to family and strength of character of their Dad.  Likewise, though, I would willingly share with them my enthusiasm, tenacity, self-confidence and love of communication.  I'd also bestow my sister's humor and unique intelligence, my mom's grace and astounding perception of others and goodwill, and my dad's commitment to family, life balance and unique talent in the professional and financial world.  If any of those sound like less than desirable qualities, it is because I've done them a disservice in the description - what unique people these children are surrounded by daily!  Our extended family on both Fred's side and mine bring amazing qualities and, most importantly, a deep and abiding commitment to family.  It is into that exuberant world that I'm happy to throw both these girls.

So many fret about the world they are bringing their children into - I worry more about the times and people gone before and my ability to tie them to their past as the stronghold and stake as they blow about the world.  Even as I blog I wonder if these girls will understand the draw and the command of the written word on a fine sheet of paper with a fine pen.  To keep a journal (as I've already rambled about) and to know the stories of those around you is essential to the person you'll become.

If you've taken this journey with us so far, thanks!  I'll post a few pictures of Ainsley over the last few weeks before officially transitioning this to www.chezstephens.blogspot.com.  In case you're wondering, Chez Stephens (shay Stephens) is the French term, essentially, meaning in the Stephens home and "at our house" all rolled up into one.  It also has an even deeper, warmer meaning and sense of home (at least to me) that is difficult to convey.

As I sit here and type tonight in front of the cozy fireplace, chez Stephens, with my family snuggled up, the best and worst of 2010 behind us and the giddiness of 2011 approaching, it's that reference to home, family, the past and the future that I hope both the blog title and the blog itself communicate: a sense that what has been and what will be are of equal importance and relevance, and a clear sense of devotion to one another prevailing through it all.

As a side note, I've been known to post a family-oriented post or two on my personal blog, www.carpediembeth.blogspot.com.  Such dabblings will ideally cease as Chez Stephens becomes the outlet for all things family and personal (including photos) and as the former remains closer to its original intent as a personal blog full of not-always-flattering-or-interesting-but-always-rambling thoughts.  Whew. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ainsley's first hike

Ainsley had her first hike this weekend - a short one.  During Member Weekend at the Ozark Natural Science Center, we packed her in the Baby Bjorn and took her to the King's River overlook. 

What a great afternoon with fun families and plenty of kids ages 4 - 9 all on the hunt for bald eagles.  It was a perfect, sunny, crisp November day.

 Ainsley's first hike

 The Boyer Clan + Stan

 Naima Montacer

 Sophie & Lily

 Our fam

 Taylor, Sophie & Lily

 Ainsley snuggled up

Grant - LOVE this cute pic.

Monday, November 1, 2010

She already hates me for this bow...

Ainsley update

So, some of you may know we were a bit concerned about Ainsley's weight gain.  As all babies do, she had dropped from her initial birth weight of 8 pounds 13 ounces to 8/4, but did not seem to be gaining it back at first.

Well, rest assured that issue is resolved and she is an enthusiastic grazer (and sleeper) like the rest of her family.  She gained over a pound in one week!  I would not like the results if I gained 10% of my body weight in one week.  And, I love how opposing our weight goals are currently - I wish I were having as much success as her with my regular weigh-ins.

Anyway, Dr. Schroeder gave us the seal of approval so we no longer have to go in for all these doctor appointments and have carte blanche until the eight week check-up later this month.

All is well.  :)

I love that this child is a thumb sucker. :)

Ainsley was super excited about her first Halloween... clearly. She immediately slept right through it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Bath

So, we waited the obligatory amount of time for a belly button to appear and held our first bath this week.  Big doin's at the Stephens household!

I keep trying to not over-purchase items we don't need (as opposed to that firstborn child, where you're certain you need every baby item and device that exists).  However, I kept debating a baby tub because babies can get awfully slippery, and the support makes the job easier.  Fred rightfully pointed out that babies had been bathed for decades without plastic baby beds, so I set up my favorite wash basin lined with a receiving blanket and got to work.

You would have thought it was custom made for Ainsley.  Her feet pushed against the side and she propped herself up with only a little head support from me.  She has been holding her head up and pushing down with her feet since she was born, which is odd to adjust to since newborns usually need quite a while to develop that neck and leg strength - obviously another overachiever.  :)

At various times she was exceptionally unhappy with this "bath" business, and at other times looked very pleased and comfortable in the warm water.

I know Ainsley will be very glad her first bath was posted for the world to see - at least we maintained a little modesty.  She's growing and getting more alert every day.  Thanks to everyone for keeping up with us!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I'd forgotten about having a newborn...

1.  It is absolutely terrifying to trim their nails when their fingers are this size:

2.  Every shower feels like the first one you've ever taken (and possibly the last you'll ever have).

3.  Napping with a baby sprawled out on you is about the best napping to be found.

4.  So. Tired.

5.  Time seems as slow as molasses one moment, and absolutely fleeting the next.

6.  It's exhilarating, exhausting, momentous and simplicity at its best... all wrapped up together.